Young Artist Auction ed. II Final Selection

"Flowers of Joy"

Available Painting
by Polina Hasanova
Painting. Canvas, acrylic, texture paste.
110x70 cm
Starting price: 10.000 lei

"Flowers of Joy"
The painting depicts one of Moldova's key symbols—the tulip, representing joy, care, and love. The special texture of the artwork resembles a traditional lace napkin, revealing a field of flowers painted in the colors of the Moldovan flag. This piece carries a fragment of Moldova's cultural essence, serving as a reminder of the importance of cherishing your roots, preserving memories, and honoring the traditions of your people.

Polina Hasanova is an abstract artist creating acrylic and textured paintings using modeling paste. After eight years of running her own clothing line, she returned to canvas art and now works in her studio, where she has spent the past four years creating collections like "Moldova Mea," which reimagines traditional Moldovan art in a modern context, celebrating heritage and roots.