Young Artist Auction ed. II Final Selection

“Blue mountain”

Available Oil Painting
by Ecaterina Vorona
Painting. Oil on canvas.
120x80 cm
Starting price: 9.000 lei

“Blue mountain”
This abstract expressionist landscape immerses viewers in a vivid interplay of color and form. Swirling, dynamic brushstrokes create a sense of movement and emotion, with bold, contrasting hues blending into one another. The composition captures the essence of a fleeting moment in nature, evoking both a sense of chaos and serenity.

Ecaterina Vorona focuses on contemporary expressionistic, figurative painting, immersing herself in the inner world of her characters, full of passion and tension. She uses vivid colors, dynamic compositions, and contrasts between textured and flat-colored surfaces to convey these inner states to the viewer.